Philosophy, Law & MedicineAnyhow, through intuitive learning on learning, my son should be able to resolve his challenge in due course." But I had better check t
Responsibilities & BurdensAs I have the privilege to know my professional and moral responsibilities, I have the duty to act justly to all!
TimelessnessI enjoy seeing my typo of the year "3018" as adding 1000 years can be that easy - but, timelessness is what I am really after!
Law ExcusesIf judicial interpretation can declare a crime as is, then the public's ignorance of the law excuses?
Geomantic ArtPerhaps, geomantic art or Feng Shui comforts humans' forever fear of the unknown and has the Placebo effect!
Spacetime SegmentsAs to how to reconnect with our loved ones, my experience is not to focus on the present, allowing our soul to travel to the past and the fu
Another DayInstead of engaging in endless pursuits of transient power and glory, wealth and fame, I prefer writing another work in another day!