Poetic Justice

"Those who live by the sword, die by the sword." Poetic justice dictates that the good is rewarded and the bad punished. Societal mores and logic always triumph in stories.
People go into politics for different reasons. Some might intend to actualize themselves, articulating the art of the possible. Some happen to become the right persons in the right place at the right time. The hunger for power, authority, popularity, coupled with the hope for the best might also fuel the ambition.
When I worked as a politically neutral civil servant, I had to lobby politicians' to support Governmental agendas. I applied societal mores and logic to align value, advocating doing the right thing. But what could be right particularly in the long term might not be seen and felt as politically popular at the moment.
Some politicians choose to represent the people (whose belief is preferred than the experts) to climb the political ladder. But when they fall, the pain would be harder too. If they would reflect on their political endeavour, I believe the trump painkiller is: poetic justice!