I'm Free!

I formally retired from Hong Kong public service on March 5, 2015. As a former senior civil servant, I had to undergo a two-year sanitization period. I had to seek prior approvals or give prior notifications before I could undertake any paid or unpaid jobs or do any business in connection with Hong Kong.
I made good use of the 24 months to create copyright works and to experiment digital marketing. I had approvals to do knowledge transfer both for gain and not for gain. I also gave a prior notification for mediation and arbitration work being done in Shenzhen not in connection with Hong Kong.
Commencing March 6, 2017, I'm free! It means that I can start up my own business in Hong Kong with anyone, including those who have been very supportive of me. I need not lie low any more and can act proactively again to achieve goals and to bring life to vision!
So, from now on, I can undertake non-contentious matters like consulting on all intellectual property matters. I can also provide mediation and arbitration services on contentious ones in any fields. Do get in touch with me via peterC@SOLUTIONS: http://peterkfcheung.wixsite.com/petercsolutions